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Student member

Aside from providing underprivileged communities with better access to health care, another one of VHC’s main goals is to help facilitate student learning. We pride ourselves in providing students with firsthand experience in various health care components working alongside different groups of healthcare professionals. Student members attend weekly meetings to prepare and train for every aspect of our makeshift clinic— from measuring blood pressure, to taking medical history, to interpreting for our health professionals. Student members also help to raise funds and acquire supplies in preparation for our mobile health clinic. Since the creation of VHC, over 300 students have volunteered with us and more than 40% have gone on to successfully pursue careers in healthcare.

VHC also empowers our previous members by offering them the opportunity to return as student officers to deepen and broaden their leadership skills. Student officers oversee the training and preparation of student members, help coordinate and run the mobile health clinic, and develop any other opportunities to support communities in need. We look forward to providing our students with unique, educational opportunities as they join us to close the disparity gap in health care. 

Student member applications are now open! The deadline is now extended to November 7th, 2022 11:59 PM. If you would like to get updates on student member applications, info sessions, upcoming events and programs, please subscribe to our email list here.  


Applicants may provide one recommendation form (professional or academic) along with the completed online application. The recommendation form is OPTIONAL. The form must be submitted by the recommender in order to be valid. If you wish to submit a recommendation with your application, please have the recommender fill out this form below, along with your legal first and last name. The recommender form deadline is extended to NOVEMBER 10th, 2022 11:59 PM.

2022-2023 Student Member Info Session
frequently asked questions:

Who do we accept?


All students and professionals, 18 years and older, from any major and accredited school in the U.S. 

How many student members are accepted?

For 2022-2023, we are adapting our programming and the number of student members we accept may vary from prior years.

When are student member's applications due?

Applications are due in the fall leading up to the summer clinic. For our 2023 mobile health clinic, applications are open October 17th and due, October 31st 2022 at 11:59pm PST 

What will the application process look like this year, in-person interviews or virtual?

All interviews will be conducted in-person this year.

When is the mobile clinic?

How long is it for?

We are still determining the exact dates and duration of our mobile health clinic, but it is planned for Summer 2023. 

Is there a cost to being a student member?

There is no upfront membership cost. However, members are expected to fund for their own transportation, lodging, food, and other travel costs during the trip to Vietnam for clinic. We will work with students on every opportunity to bring costs down and provide payment options as needed. 

How often are meetings?

Is attendance required? 

Our general body meetings are for student members and officers to discuss, coordinate, and prepare for ongoing and future projects, which includes training as needed. Meetings are required for student members and are typically once a week. This year we plan to hold meetings in-person. The location is projected to be in Seattle.

What’s the difference between student members and volunteers?


Student members have certain requirements such as attending weekly meetings and trainings in preparation to serve patients at one of our health clinics. Volunteers on the other hand do not have to meet any requirements.

From our alumni:

Anthony Luu

Member: 2.0 | Leader: 3.0, 4.0

"I joined Vietnam Health Clinic in 2010 as a student volunteer and for the first time during my college career, I felt a sense of purpose and belonging. I was surrounded by driven, like-minded students with similar career aspirations and the support we provided each other not only helped us produce successful mission trips, but also success in our own personal and professional endeavors. I have made many life-long friends through the organization and for that, I am grateful." 

Michelle Tran

Member: 4.0 | Leader: 5.0

"Vietnam Health Clinic offers no epiphanies--you likely won't save lives and you probably won't figure out the rest of your life in two weeks. Instead, you'll work hard, sweat a lot, and laugh loudly with a team that will slowly become some of your best friends. You'll gain new appreciation, insight into new perspectives, and serve a population you will never forget."

Belle Ngo

Member: 6.0 | Leader: 7.0

"It is a complex and multifaceted task to make a lasting impact on a community, but VHC has the passion, drive, and teamwork to continually evolve. Working with such a dedicated and tenacious family has greatly informed my goals as an aspiring physician and has not only unlocked new opportunities, but also provided me with fresh perspectives."

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