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Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare Professionals

Since the creation of Vietnam Health Clinic (VHC), over 120 healthcare professionals (HPs) have volunteered with us. Our mobile clinic would not be possible without our hardworking doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, optometrists, physical therapists and other providers. Year after year, they generously donate their time and expertise to not only serve our patients in Vietnam but act as mentors and preceptors to our members. The mentorship that the healthcare professionals provide can have a long-lasting impact — as can be seen in the number of our student alumni pursuing a career in the healthcare field and their successful admission to professional schools. 


Although we are currently not recruiting for our 2019 mobile clinic, Vietnam Health Clinic is always looking for Healthcare Professionals (RN, MD, OD, DPT, PharmD, DMD, DDS, etc.). If you are a healthcare professional who is interested in helping VHC provide care to rural Vietnam, please send us an email at identifying your profession and we will get back to you with more information.

Mobile Health Clinic 2019

Duration: July 8th - July 24th, 2019

Location: Central Vietnam

Recruitment Status: Healthcare professional recruitment has ended for our 2019 mobile clinic

General Information and Expectations:

  • All healthcare professionals play a vital role in the mobile clinic. There is a one-week minimum requirement from each HP to ensure consistency of workflow and quality of care.

  • VHC encourages HPs to work collaboratively with other care providers through the exchange of best practices and therapeutic knowledge.

    • Drug formulary management meetings are conducted to ensure consistent and standard levels of care between HPs within similar scopes of practices, as well as allow other HPs to contribute and understand the demographics the mission will serve. 

    • Round table discussions will be hosted at least twice prior to the mission – participation is vital to the success of a true inter-professional collaboration/relationship.

  • Providing valuable clinical experience and mentorship to our student members are important to us at VHC. We expect HPs to work alongside student members to share knowledge and expertise that can give them a better understanding of each specific profession and scope of practice.

    • In addition, HPs are encouraged to lecture and/or train student members on specific topics during the students’ weekly meetings.

  • To ensure HPs have a baseline understanding of the mission’s workflow, HPs are strongly encouraged to participate in mock clinic training sessions held two months prior to the start of the medical mission 

  • What are the roles and responsibilities expected of healthcare professionals?
    1. Physicians (MD, DO, ARNP, PA-C) - Primary care providers will assess acute care needs, provide education and treat with proper therapy based on an in-house drug formulary list. 2. Nurse (RN) - Nurses will be the first point-of-contact for the patient to gather medical history and triage based on primary chief complaints. 3. Pharmacist (PharmD) - Pharmacists help create the drug formulary, maintain adequate inventory, and dispense medications based on the doctors’ therapy goals while counseling patients on how to properly take their medications. 4. Dentist (DDS, DMD) - Dentists will be providing dental education and emergent dental treatments for patients experiencing tooth pain. 5. Optometrist (OD) - Provide primary level of eyecare including refraction and assessment of ocular health. Donated prescription and reader glasses will be available for immediate dispensing to optimize a patient's vision. Sunglasses are given to every patient during the mission to educate the population about UV protection. 6. Physical Therapist (DPT) - Therapists will demonstrate stretches, exercises and techniques to improve the body’s strengths and flexibility to decrease the risk of work-related injuries.
  • How much does it cost to participate as an HP and what does the cost include?
    The estimated cost for participation is about $2,500 for the full two weeks or $1,250 for one week, covering flights, lodging, food, transportation, and excursions.
  • Do I need to be located in Seattle, WA or licensed in the state of Washington to be an HP?
    No, we have had HPs from all over the US volunteer with VHC. We have a lot of experience with coordinating meetings and keeping our HP volunteers up-to-date via online tools such as email, zoom or google meet. However, we do hold HP-specific events in Seattle such as formulary management discussion, round-table clinical best practice discussion as well as mock clinics. We strong encourage our HPs to attend these events if they can.
  • When would I need to commit to be a healthcare professional by to confirm my participation?
    As there are a limited number of available positions per component so the sooner you are able to commit, the better for us to solidify our healthcare team to provide you with all the logistical details and training involved with the other providers. We strongly suggest that you submit the questionnaire as soon as you know that you are able to commit to our clinic dates.
  • Can I bring a spouse or child along with me if I am supporting the clinic as an HP?
    Unfortunately the space on our team is limited. However, we are happy to evaluate your request on a case by case basis. Please let us know during the registration process and we can provide you with more details.
  • How often do healthcare professionals meet, and are meeting attendance required?
    Our healthcare professionals typically meet at least twice prior to clinics in Vietnam to discuss formulary management and mock clinic training. These meetings are strongly encouraged in order for you to have the latest updates for the trip and to ensure you have the support you need as a healthcare professional.
  • Will I need to bring any of my equipment or will everything be provided?
    VHC welcome all healthcare providers to consider bringing their own equipment or supplies they may find suitable for such practice setting. Our team will consult with you to evaluate the need and appropriateness of the equipment you plan to bring. VHC does provide some clinical equipment to support each specialty. Please note VHC may help assist the transport of equipment but is not responsible for any loss or damage of the equipment.
  • Do I have to book my own flights for the trip?
    Each HP is responsible for booking their own flight. VHC is happy to connect you with our travel agent to support you with your booking.

Dr. Carol Waymack, MD

"I was amazed by the quality of students helping on the trip: the dedication & hard work, the organizational skills, and the compassion. Overall, top students."

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Dr. Joe Tran, Pharm.D.

"Through the years when VHC began in 2009 until now, this mission has connected me closer to my heritage, make meaningful, lifelong friendships and experiences, and gives me a passion and fulfillment to serve to the most underserved in the world. This is why I continue to stay involved with the Vietnam Health Clinic."


Dr. William Gould, MD

“Probably the most enjoyable two weeks I ever spent overseas. We were treated by the medical staff of the various clinics with respect and dignity, and I felt friendship.” 



Address: PO BOX 95982, Seattle WA 98145


Phone: (458) 202 - 0995

Copyright 2008 - 2024 | Vietnam Health Clinic

Tax ID: 27-3297474

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