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The success of our medical mission trips depend on the generosity of our sponsors and donors. With your help, our patients can continue to receive general health examinations, dental cleanings and extractions, along with vision check-ups and medication, free of charge. Along with these immediate goals for the upcoming trip, VHC also has long-term goals that we are trying to achieve in order to provide sustainable care for our patients:


  • Continue to improve healthcare access and services to under-resourced populations of Vietnam.

  • Establish follow-up care such as referrals for surgery, cataract surgery, and immunizations.

  • Continue to provide young professionals & students with a proactive learning experience in a rural healthcare setting.

  • Create and maintain a network of established allied organizations to share common resources in minimizing health disparities in Vietnam.

​Vietnam Health Clinic is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, meaning all donations to us can be used as deductions on your tax return. Our tax ID is 27-3297474. There are many ways in which you can support us:

Monetary Donations

PayPal or Credit Card

Clicking the Donate button will take you directly to PayPal’s website. You can choose whether to pay within your PayPal account or via a credit card. It will launch to a new tab or window in your web browser. 

By Check

Please make your check payable to Vietnam Health Clinic. Please include your email address so we can send you a receipt as well.

Please mail checks to: PO BOX 95982, Seattle WA 98145

Amazon Smile

Amazon will donate 0.5% of your online purchases on Amazon to Vietnam Health Clinic if you use AmazonSmile! Set up is quick, easy, and you only have to do it once!

1. Visit AmazonSmile at

2. Select Vietnam Health Clinic from the list of eligible organizations

3. Bookmark and use this link to shop from now on!

Corporate Giving/Matching

Double the Donations database shows that over 65% of Fortune 500 companies offer matching gift programs. Some of these include Boeing, Google, Apple, and Microsoft. Many of these companies encourage their employees to donate and volunteer time to nonprofits in their communities, and they will match those efforts with dollars and other means of support. 

Workplace giving programs can be set up in a variety of ways. Some of the more popular programs offered by corporations are employee matching gifts, volunteer support programs, donations through payroll deductions and annual giving campaigns. Please check with your HR department to see how they can help you support Vietnam Health Clinic!



Address: PO BOX 95982, Seattle WA 98145


Phone: (458) 202 - 0995

Copyright 2008 - 2024 | Vietnam Health Clinic

Tax ID: 27-3297474

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