Student Member Application
1. Applicant must be a current or graduating student from an accredited university or college in the state of Washington or in the process of applying to a graduate/professional program.
2. Applicant must be able to attend weekly general meetings leading up to the date of the trip.
3. Applicant must be at least 18 years old on or before January 1st of the year of the trip.
4. Speaking/understanding Vietnamese is not a requirement.
5. Applicant is not required to be a pre-health student to participate in Vietnam Health Clinic. All majors are welcome!
Individuals interested in becoming a member of VHC Mobile Health Clinic 2019 must complete and submit the online volunteer application. In addition, VHC requires a professional or academic reference from each applicant. The links to both forms can be found below. Both forms must be submitted by the application deadline to be considered a complete application.
Prospective student member must submit their application through the online application form.
Deadline for applications: October 12, 2018 (11:59pm)
Recommenders must submit their reference forms online as well.
Deadline for references: October 19, 2018 (11:59pm)
It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide this reference form to their perspective recommender.
A common misconception among applicants is that you must be able to speak and/or understand Vietnamese in order to volunteer with Vietnam Health Clinic. This is not true! We welcome and encourage applicants from all different types of educational, cultural, and family backgrounds to apply to our organization!
If you are having difficulties securing a recommendation by the deadline, please email
Additional information about our trip (costs, expected travel dates, etc.) can be found on the FAQs page. Please email if you have further questions about the application process and/or any other components of Vietnam Health Clinic.